《我最爱的中华宝贝》第25集 朱梓和:神奇小Z上海地铁寻宝

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    《我最爱的中华宝贝》第25集 朱梓和:神奇小Z上海地铁寻宝

    发布日期:2025-01-04 18:26    点击次数:121
      由中共上海市委对外宣传办公室、上海市文化和旅游局、上海广播电视台融媒体中心(SMG NEWS)联合发起,2023“爱上海的理由”青少年英语短视频征集展播活动以“我最爱的中华宝贝”为题,诚邀全球新生代用向上的风貌、良好的英语表达和创意的镜头语言展现青少年眼中具有当代价值和世界意义的中华优秀传统文化。在这一集里,朱梓和与她的朋友“神奇小Z”将带我们开启一场时空穿越之旅,在人来人往的上海地铁里,藏着什么样的中华宝贝呢?   朱梓和自述:   大家好,我是朱梓和,来自上海外国语大学附属浦东外国语学校。这是我的朋友神奇小Z,她是一位时空旅行者。这次,神奇小Z准备到上海去寻找中华宝贝,你肯定想不到她会找到些什么宝贝,让我们和她一起去看看吧!   有一天,神奇小Z的老师正在给她讲庄周梦蝶,她正琢磨着到底是不是蝴蝶做梦变成了庄周,突然看到眼前出现了一面闪闪发光的蝴蝶墙,真是太不可思议了!   突然,她又到了另一个地方,眼前是一片又像山、又像画、又像雕塑的宁静山水。“这看来很眼熟啊!这里有个钓鱼翁,有点像我的老师呢!”   扇子扇得太快了,现在,神奇小Z被春夏秋冬四景图围住了。这些画真是太棒了!   眨眼之间,她发现自己已经在一个飞驰的铁皮箱里了。出了铁皮箱,哇,这里有会动的梯子。她乘上了梯子去看看还有什么。这满眼的流光溢彩有点像她穿过来的时空隧道里的光。   神奇小Z的旅行接近尾声了。她手里拿着一个冰淇淋,这是来自上海的甜蜜味道。   欢迎大家来上海地铁发现更多精彩!   My Favorite Chinese Treasures EP25|Zhu Zihe: Time-Traveling in Shanghai Metro Stations #MyFavoriteChineseTreasures #MyFavoriteShanghaiSeason4 #shortvideoshowcase #vlog   Presented by Zhu Zihe   Hey, guys! I am Zhu Zihe. This is my friend Magic Z. She is a time traveler. This time, Magic Z is going to seek traditional Chinese treasures in Shanghai. You can never imagine what she was going to find. Let's go along with her!   Once upon a time, Magic Z's teacher was telling her about Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly. While pondering whether it was a butterfly's dream that turned into Zhuang Zhou's or not, she suddenly saw a shining butterfly wall in front of her. It's incredible!   Suddenly, she appeared in another place and saw a peaceful landscape like a mountain, a painting, and a carving. "I am familiar with this, and there is a fisherman here. It's a bit like my teacher. "   Oh, the fan shook too fast, and now she's surrounded by the four sceneries of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. These paintings are wonderful.   In the blink of an eye, she realized she was already in a speeding iron box. Out of the box, wow, there was a moving ladder here. She went up and took a look. The colorful light was a bit like the light from the time tunnel she came here.   Magic Z's journey was nearing its end, holding an ice cream and feeling the sweet taste of Shanghai.   Welcome to search for more surprising signs hidden in the metro in Shanghai.   Thank you. Bye-bye!
